Volunteers Needed!
14th Annual Spring Cleanup needs volunteers

We need approximately 10 volunteers for the 14th Annual Spring Cleanup which will be held Saturday, May 20th at Faith Bible Church. To volunteer contact Karl at karl.boldt@gmail.com or call 509.868.9553. There will be donuts, and coffee for the volunteers, as well as pizza afterwards.

There will be one bin for clean green, and one for general refuse-which can take anything except non burnable items such as drywall and nail embedded wood. Salvation Army will be there to take items such as microwave ovens to refurbish. Metal recycle can also be brought to the event. There will be mailers sent out reminding EG residents about the event approximately 2 weeks prior.
Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market needs volunteers

The Farmers Market will be at the same location, the parking lot of the Adult Education Center on 2310 North Monroe. The EGFM season will run from June 2 through September 8.

Volunteers are needed to give market tours for patrons that need assistance. Volunteers are also needed to assist with set up. To volunteer email market@emersongarfield.org or call (509) 255-3072