Sun Shine Through – Neighborhood Sign Update
Here is the latest update on the progress of the welcome sign which will be placed on North Monroe on the boundary between the Emerson Garfield and the North Hill Neighborhoods. One side will welcome people coming from North Hill into Emerson Garfield and the other side welcome people from Emerson Garfield into the North Hill neighborhood.

Hi Neighbors!
I wanted to give you all an update on the sculpture! Lisa and I are making great progress on Sun Shine Through: the clouds are all built and mortared and awaiting glass and tiles. We finished the last of our tile workshops last week, the tiles were all fired over the weekend, and we will begin the mosaic on Wednesday. We have through the end of April to complete the sculpture in our studio at The Hive and we are on track to meet that deadline!
Our grant funds have held out for our material costs, but we do need to fundraise for the cost of the installation. We have found a concrete vendor, Bacon Concrete, to do the installation, and we are in touch with urban forestry about having a few of the trees relocated. We still have some details to work out about running electrical for lighting, designing the actual neighborhood sign lettering, and landscaping, etc. but we are making progress in all directions.
They are seeking donations to help with the last few steps to make the project a reality. Here’s the GoFundMe link, they appreciate any and all donations to help with their work.