In Person Discussions on Building Opportunities for Housing in Spokane
You are invited to be a part of the Building Opportunities for Housing conversation for the City of Spokane. These discussions will be based on the results from the housing survey everyone has been asked to fill out. If you haven’t yet, here’s the link (closes April 1st).
This will be a series of discussions on two nights, followed by a larger group discussion on April 28 where participants from all three City Council Districts will come together to share what’s been learned throughout the process. Each meeting will include guided small-group working sessions to discuss and update the vision for housing in Spokane. They’re looking for a broad range of voices at the table and to ensure enough people at the table to consider a diverse range of experiences.
Attendees will be asked to:
- Commit to attending the first two meetings, at least.
- Bring their experiences and thoughts around hosing from the point of view of Spokane residents.
- Be willing to share, but also to listen to others—this is meant to be a collaborative community-building discussion.
Each meeting has 25 places at the table, and spots are filling fast. For those that RSVP for one of the remaining places, they will receive a small “thank you” gift card at the conclusion of the events. There is a little space beyond the 25 seats for people who want to come and hear what is discussed, but space at the tables and in the small groups will be limited.
To sign up please RSVP soon at developmentcode@spokanecity.org. People hoping to attend should provide their name, email address, and phone number. Alternatively, you can call 509-625-6194 to be added to a remaining slot.