Draft Regional Safety Action Plan – Available for Review!

Draft Regional Safety Action Plan – Available for Review!

The Spokane Regional Transportation Council is sharing the draft Regional Safety Action Plan for public review. Find out more below:

Fatal or serious injury crashes not only negatively impact the people who get hurt. They also affect countless other family members, emergency responders and friends. That is the most important reason for the development of the Regional Safety Action Plan. The draft plan is now available and is set to go to the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Board of Directors on July 11. The Regional Safety Action Plan includes an analysis of 2018 to 2023 crash data, public feedback, local jurisdiction crash fact sheets, and possible strategies and actions to address the outlined safety concerns.

Notably, the public feedback that SRTC gathered earlier in the year aligns with the issues identified through data analysis. The public noted concerns about unsafe speeds, missing sidewalks, distracted and impaired driving and more. Community members also shared what would make them feel safer, which is accounted for in the possible action items jurisdictions can take in the future. Once finalized and adopted by the Board of Directors, local jurisdictions will be eligible to apply for the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) implementation grant to fund safety projects that will contribute to eliminating fatal and serious injury crashes in the region.

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