Infill Housing Online Q&A (Nov. 16)
The City of Spokane is currently focusing on “infill housing,” which means that planners and policymakers are working on revisions to regulations that will enable additional housing development on vacant lots and parcels in already built-up areas.
Here in Emerson-Garfield, infill is the kind of development that we’re most likely to see over the next 20 years, so it’s important to see what code changes are being proposed and why. Informing yourself now and shaping policy accordingly is the best way to participate in this process, not when a project starts to break ground on the lot next door.
An in-person open house was already held at the West Central Community Center about two weeks ago. But not everyone is able to attend those meetings, and that’s why the City is holding a live online Q&A tomorrow (Thursday, Nov. 16) at 7am on the City’s Facebook page. That will be an opportunity for you to ask questions, offer feedback, or have your comments heard.
The first proposed changes to cottage housing, pocket residential and compact lot standards, as part of a larger series involving changes to other regulations, would allow additional ownership options and creative site arrangements, while updating and enhancing the design guidelines. A committee reviewing infill development on such vacant land recommended the changes. The map to the left shows where infill will likely be most heavily concentrated.
For more information about how the City is approaching infill housing or opportunities to get involved, visit the project page or contact Nathan Gwinn at 625-6893 or ngwinn@spokanecity.org.
[UPDATE Nov. 16] The video from the Q&A event has been posted. See below.