Materials for the June 11 EGNC Meeting
The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meets this Wednesday, June 11 at 7pm in the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland).
If you’ve been meaning to come to a neighborhood council meeting, make it this one. There’s not a ton on the agenda, so it’ll be short, but what is on the agenda consists of things like concerts, parties, and potlucks, so it’ll certainly be sweet. Anyone with an interest in Emerson-Garfield is welcome to attend.
SPD Ombudsman Tim Burns will be giving his annual report on police complaints (including, we suppose, the shooting at Maple/Grace), and Ben Covino of the Lands Council will be giving some advance warning to summertime fishermen and -women regarding river toxins in fish.
We’ll also be discussing a potentially larger role for Project Hope in the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market, the presentation of the Neighborhood Plan on June 12, the status of the Concert in the Park/Summer Parkways collaboration, and the neighborhood-wide August potluck in Emerson Park. Whether or not the EGNC will take a break from meeting in July will also be determined.
Save a tree and download the June 11 meeting materials as PDFs here:
- Agenda for the June 11, 2014 meeting
- Minutes from the May 14, 2014 meeting (pending approval)