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Tag: traffic

Recap of 2014 Summer Potluck at Emerson Park

Recap of 2014 Summer Potluck at Emerson Park

What follows is a condensed version of the minutes from the short meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council that followed the annual Summer Potluck on August 13, 2014 in Emerson Park. Prior to the meeting, during the barbeque, some neighbors brainstormed with Joe Cannon, a restoration ecologist from the Lands Council, about what trees would be ideal to plant throughout the neighborhood as part of the current Greening Neighborhoods grants. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm, and…

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Madison/Adams Sidewalks, Montgomery Traffic Circles

Madison/Adams Sidewalks, Montgomery Traffic Circles

Designs have now been drafted for the new sidewalks to be installed on Madison and Adams Streets as well as the traffic circles that are planned for Montgomery Ave. They’re provided below for reference. The designs show in detail what’s planned, including curb ramps, signage, landscaping, and stormwater improvements. Residents in the construction areas should already have received notices about the projects and their effects, if any, but please contact us if you still have any comments or concerns. The…

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Business Outreach Event Recap

Business Outreach Event Recap

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Planning group hosted a Business Outreach Event on April 17 at CSL Plasma (2126 N Monroe). This post (and the video below) offers just a brief recap of some of the highlights; to download the full minutes, please click here. There were 31 attendees in total. Among those speaking at the presentation were Craig Anderson, a Landscape Architect with AHBL; Inga Note, Senior Traffic Planning Engineer within the Streets Department; Jo Anne Wright, the liaison for the City of Spokane Planning…

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2014 Spokane Regional Construction Map

2014 Spokane Regional Construction Map

The Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) has released the Spokane Regional Road Construction Map for 2014. The map includes all construction projects county-wide that will impact traffic. This year the map will only be published online and in an interactive format. While that means no more paper maps, it also means you can now access it on your smartphone or other handheld devices. The online format also allows you to zoom in on smaller projects, such as those in your neighborhood, and…

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Materials for the March 12 EGNC Meeting

Materials for the March 12 EGNC Meeting

As another Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting nears, the snow has given way to rain. At least it’s some sort of seasonal progress. And it’s reason enough to join the EGNC on Wednesday, March 12 at 7pm in the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland) as we begin preparing in earnest for the exciting year ahead. And that’s not just feel-good inspirational fluff. There really is some exciting stuff going on. This EGNC meeting brings five guest speakers — all of whom have been limited in advance…

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