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Tag: traffic

The Future of North Monroe

The Future of North Monroe

The state of North Monroe has been a point of concern for residents and businesses for a long time now. This poorly lit, five-lane, treeless thoroughfare physically and psychologically divides Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood. There have been pedestrian fatalities. The doors of parked cars have been ripped off by passing traffic. The current environment is downright hostile to anyone who wants to park and walk from shop to shop, and by the same token, it poses an additional challenge to all the…

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Recap of the December E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the December E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

The December 10, 2014 meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council began after its Holiday Potluck. Three new voting members and 14 guests were in attendance, as were three firefighters from Spokane Station No. 2. Despite scheduling a spot on the agenda, no one from Spokane Public Schools was present to speak about the proposed bond and levy that will be on the 2015 ballot. Two representatives from a new charter school, PRIDE Prep, spoke about their mission and enrollment process. They are…

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2014 Traffic-Calming Projects Recap

2014 Traffic-Calming Projects Recap

Here’s a short video from the City recapping the twenty traffic-calming projects that have been carried out across Spokane in the past year through approximately $617,000 in Photo Red funding. It also mentions some of the proposed projects for 2015. In Emerson-Garfield, the traffic-calming project that was part of this 2014 round was the installation of roundabouts on W Montgomery (now completed). In 2015, E-G will see sidewalks installed in that area through the same scheme. By the way, brace yourself about 6 seconds in….

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Roundabouts Begin on W Montgomery

Roundabouts Begin on W Montgomery

The barriers and detour that have suddenly sprung up on the stretch of W Montgomery between N Monroe and Northwest Boulevard mark the start of construction for the traffic circles (aka roundabouts) that will help to abate speeding. The chain-link fence in the left of the photo below has been taken out twice in recent years due to speeders. This post from August shows the engineering designs and also contains links to the long but fairly smooth history of this…

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Recap of the October E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the October E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

The October 8 meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council began at its new time of 6pm. Christa Richardson of the Corbin Senior Activity Center started off the meeting by sharing the good news about their Munch and Mingle auction on September 27, which raised $20,000. Of that, $4,000 was directed towards the elevator. The center’s new van arrived as well. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) applications were explained, and attendees were invited to participate in determining how the funding for 2015 will be allocated…

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