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Tag: farmers’ market

Recap of the February 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the February 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

This is a brief recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council (EGNC) meeting that took place on February 10, 2016. Patrick Striker, the Executive Director of the Spokane Community-Oriented Policing Services (Spokane C.O.P.S.) program gave common-sense advice about preventing crime. Some of his tips included: Do not leave anything tempting in a vehicle, such as a laptop bag, regardless of whether or not it contains valuable contents. As jackets can also be used for covering valuables, that may also be tempting to a…

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Materials for the Feb 10 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Materials for the Feb 10 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Following its customary January hiatus, the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council resumes its monthly meeting schedule tomorrow (Wednesday, February 10). It starts at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Activity Center Center (827 W Cleveland). There are two guest speakers this month: Jonathan Mallahan of the City of Spokane and Patrick Striker of Spokane COPS. Jonathan will be speaking about the reorganization at City Hall and what that means for neighborhoods. He’ll leave time to field questions and address some of the concerns we had when the news was…

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Recap of the November 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the November 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

This is a brief recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that took place on November 11, 2015. Officer Tracy Douglas reported on the monthly statistics for area “P2,” which includes Emerson-Garfield as well as West Central and parts of the North Hill Neighborhood. There were no sexual assaults in our area last month, nor any commercial robberies. There were two robberies of a person, one domestic violence incident, and 14 violent crimes in the last month. For residential burglary, there…

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Craftwalk at the E-G Farmers’ Market (Sep 18)

Craftwalk at the E-G Farmers’ Market (Sep 18)

The second annual Craftwalk at the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market is scheduled for Friday, September 18. It will run concurrent with the market (i.e., 3-7pm). Not familiar with Craftwalk? This is a special event where the market welcomes specialty non-food vendors of all kinds. Local artists and crafters with unique handmade items such as quilts, knitwear, upcycled goods, jewelry, clothing, hats, sculpture, soaps and pottery will line the sidewalk around the perimeter of the lot. Because Craftwalk complements the usual market, that means there will be music,…

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Recap of the August 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the August 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Typically the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council holds a very casual meeting with a light agenda after the neighborhood’s Summer Potluck, and this year was no different. However, owing to shifts in the annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) deadlines, the agenda included preliminary decisions on how the neighborhood intended to allocate its $56,299 for 2016. Here’s a brief recap of some of the discussion and decisions from the August 12, 2015 neighborhood council meeting. (Click here for a photo gallery from the potluck.) Because the proposal due August…

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