Materials for the Feb 10 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting
Following its customary January hiatus, the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council resumes its monthly meeting schedule tomorrow (Wednesday, February 10). It starts at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Activity Center Center (827 W Cleveland).
There are two guest speakers this month: Jonathan Mallahan of the City of Spokane and Patrick Striker of Spokane COPS. Jonathan will be speaking about the reorganization at City Hall and what that means for neighborhoods. He’ll leave time to field questions and address some of the concerns we had when the news was announced. Patrick will talk about crime prevention and what’s new at the area COPS Shops.
Further discussion items include finding much-needed volunteers for the upcoming season of the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market, a brief distillation of what we’ve gleaned from the recent Neighborhood Notification trainings, revisiting the EGNC bylaws and job descriptions for the executive members (e.g., chair, vice chair, secretary), plus reports from all our neighborhood reps on committees across Spokane. And there’s always room on the agenda for additional topics if you have one you’d like to add.
If you have a tablet or a smartphone, please help keep our printing expenses low by downloading the materials as PDFs:
Owing to everyone’s busy schedules, we do our best to stick to a strict 90-minute meeting. It helps us keep discussion on topic if you familiarize yourself with the issues on the agenda beforehand.
Everyone who has a stake in Emerson-Garfield is welcome, so we look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Feel free to RSVP to the event on Facebook or on Nextdoor.