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Tag: Community Assembly

September Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

September Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

This is a quick recap of what took place at the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting on September 11, 2013. As always, the full (and much more amusing) minutes for recent meetings are available on our Downloads page. The meeting started at 7:01pm with introductions. The meeting minutes from June and August were approved. The issue of neighborhood mailings was dealt with next. Emerson-Garfield is among the few remaining neighborhoods that has monthly minutes and agendas mailed to voting members. The…

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Photos Needed for 2014 Spokane Neighborhood Calendar

Photos Needed for 2014 Spokane Neighborhood Calendar

This is your last chance to submit photos for the 2014 Community Assembly Spokane Neighborhood Calendar! The Office of Neighborhood Services is still looking for more photographs for next year’s calendar, but they need them submitted by Tuesday, October 1. This call is open to anyone who would like to submit a photo. Requirements for Photos: Photos must be neighborhood-centric (no iconic Spokane pictures such as Riverfront Park, Monroe St. Bridge, etc.). This calendar aims to represent the different neighborhoods…

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Proposed Changes to Photo Red: Your Input Is Needed

Proposed Changes to Photo Red: Your Input Is Needed

The Spokane City Council is currently looking at the Photo Red program to see if they want to recommend to the Spokane Police Department to move forward with retaining or amending the contract language. Neighborhood councils like ours need to be proactive when it comes time for open discussion as to where those funds may be allocated. There is expected to be discussion as to using some of the funds for purposes other than neighborhood traffic calming projects such as…

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April Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

April Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

We’re a bit late in posting the recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that took place on April 10 — but better late than never, right? As always, what follows is the digested version of events. The full minutes from the meeting are available for download here. The meeting began a bit late due to persons of the political persuasion speaking to the group prior to the official start of the meeting. There was a brief discussion about the absence…

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March Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

March Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

[Ed. note: This is a condensed version of the official minutes, which are available for download here.] The March Edition of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council came in like a lion at a couple of minutes after 7pm on March 13. Chair Liorah Wichser started the meeting with a vote for a new logo for the Neighborhood Council. Three submissions had been submitted by three submittees, all of whom were present. A silent vote was taken and the winning logo was…

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