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Tag: City of Spokane

Add to Your Neighborhood’s Profile at Shaping Spokane

Add to Your Neighborhood’s Profile at Shaping Spokane

The City’s Planning Department is asking for your input on neighborhood histories and identities. To take part, visit the interactive map at and use the icons to mark the things and places in your neighborhood that you consider noteworthy. By filling out the Q&A-style text fields on the My Neighborhood Story page, you can enter more in-depth information. You’re not obligated to answer every question. Just pick and choose what topics are important to you and write about them. Your response will help build a…

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CDBG Capital Projects Training TONIGHT (Sep 15)

CDBG Capital Projects Training TONIGHT (Sep 15)

There will be a training session tonight (Monday, September 15) for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for capital projects at the West Central Community Center (1600 N. Belt) from 5:30 to 7pm. These capital projects— that is, physical constructions and improvements like street lighting, landscaping and building renovations — need to emphasize two things: Improve the quality of life for your neighborhood’s low- to moderate-income population Address blight, such as graffiti-covered, dilapidated or disused buildings This is a great opportunity if you or the organization…

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Recap of the September E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the September E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

The September 14, 2014 meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council got underway when Marlene Feist, Utilities Communications Manager for the City of Spokane, spoke about the street levy proposal that will be on the November ballot. This levy will complement the parks levy that is also being proposed. Many of the details of the parks levy and the improvements it will bring to Riverfront Park were addressed by Parks and Recreation Director Leroy Eadie during the May meeting of the E-G Neighborhood…

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Help Green E-G with a “Guerrilla” Planting

Help Green E-G with a “Guerrilla” Planting

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council is currently applying for two ambitious Greening Neighborhoods grants. One project will use native shrubs and permaculture to complete the area on N. Maple that was planted with nine trees back in April. The other project will be a “guerrilla” planting that will put street trees in front of homes at 2000–2500 N. Atlantic and 2400–2500 N. Stevens. It’s called “guerrilla” because a band of neighborhood volunteers will conduct the planting themselves over the course of a day…

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Madison/Adams Sidewalks, Montgomery Traffic Circles

Madison/Adams Sidewalks, Montgomery Traffic Circles

Designs have now been drafted for the new sidewalks to be installed on Madison and Adams Streets as well as the traffic circles that are planned for Montgomery Ave. They’re provided below for reference. The designs show in detail what’s planned, including curb ramps, signage, landscaping, and stormwater improvements. Residents in the construction areas should already have received notices about the projects and their effects, if any, but please contact us if you still have any comments or concerns. The…

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