Materials for the Feb 11 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting
Following a relaxing January hiatus, the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meets tomorrow (February 11) for the first time in 2015. The meeting starts at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland).
There are no guest speakers on this month’s agenda, which leaves us ample time to review and vote on the traffic-calming applications that schools, churches and residents have submitted this year for the neighborhood council’s approval. There are two arterial and three residential applications — with the possibility of more arriving between now and the meeting.
We’ll also be voting on a revised sidewalk repair/installation plan after this year’s CDBG eligibility areas shifted.
Beyond the yays and nays, the neighborhood council will be planning events for this year’s Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market, hearing about the new seed library at Petunia’s Marketplace, addressing volunteer opportunities, looking at upcoming neighborhood elections and Greening Grants (i.e., tree plantings), and briefly discussing N. Monroe revitalization.
Save a tree, put your tablet to good use, and download the materials as PDFs here:
Caveat downloader: The agenda is hefty (roughly 9MB) because it contains the traffic-calming applications.
We hope to see you there!