Materials for the Dec 10 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting
Just a reminder that there’s an Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council Holiday Potluck and meeting tomorrow (December 10) starting at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland).
As always, everyone who lives, works or socializes in Emerson-Garfield is welcome to attend both the potluck and the neighborhood council meeting. This isn’t an exclusive group, and we welcome participation and input from anyone with a stake in the neighborhood. Come one, come all!
The potluck portion will last about 45 minutes to an hour. It’s a great chance to meet your neighbors and find out what’s going on in E-G. Please bring something for sharing, whether it’s homemade cookies, a supermarket salad or a soft drink.
Guest speakers this month are both school-related: Spokane Public Schools Superintendent Shelley Redinger and Marcia Via. Shelley will address the 2015 bond and levy that will be on an upcoming ballot, and Marcia will talk about the mission and enrollment process for PRIDE Prep, a new Spokane charter school.
In addition to that, the EGNC will be discussing planting some edible fruit and nut trees in the neighborhood’s newly annexed land as well as looking ahead to see what 2015 holds.
You can download the December 10 meeting materials as PDFs here:
- Agenda for the December 10, 2014 meeting
- Minutes from the November 12, 2014 meeting (pending approval)
On Facebook? Please RSVP to the potluck and neighborhood council meeting on the dedicated event page.