DivisionConnects Transportation Study Feedback Opportunities
DivisionConnects, a collaborative two-year transportation and land use study, focuses on opportunities and challenges that come with the planned completion of the North Spokane Corridor (NSC).
They are seeking public feedback around how the highway can improve, what elements should remain the same and how Division can become more accessible for all modes of transportation in the long-term.
They have added a new mapping tool to their website to gather residents’ input on how they travel Division Street. They also added a questionnaire to let them know what your future vision is for Division Street, as well as your thoughts on the proposed selection criteria that will be used to analyze potential transit, walking, biking, and scooter alternatives.
Additionally, they are seeking participants for virtual focus groups. These focus groups would be conducted in late September/early October and again in late October/ early November, and are a completely voluntary commitment to participate in two facilitated hour-and-a-half discussions with less than 10 other participants. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this Doodle Poll with your general availability. If you are selected to participate, they will follow up with additional details within the next two weeks.