Bike events coming up
Popup Pilot
Great news… the City’s Popup Pilot has been confirmed! They will be demonstrating a separated, two-way cycle track on Spokane Falls Boulevard from the north landing of the Gateway Bridge to the Cincinnati Greenway. The temporary installation will go up on Saturday, September 28th and be in place for a week. See map for details. The idea is to demonstrate how a cycle track works and if cyclists feel safer using a separated bike lane.
Help Needed! Volunteers are needed to help set up the temporary cycle track, monitor the installment throughout the week, survey users, experience the cycle track and provide feedback, and take down the installment on the last day. They are also looking for artists and creative types to help make stencils for wayfinding and beautify the project. Please sign up on this sheet if you are interested in helping.
Cargo Bike Documentary
Motherload: a crowdsourced documentary about how cargo bikes will save the world.
On October 4th, the City is sponsoring a free showing of this documentary on cargo bikes. Wheel Sport has generously offered to bring a selection of cargo bikes for us to test-ride immediately before the movie showing from 4:30-5:15.
Location: EWU Spokane Center Auditorium (cargo bike demo on campus behind building) 668 N Riverpoint Blvd
Time: 4:30-7pm
Wheel Sport will be demonstrating several types of cargo bikes on the EWU campus directly before the movie showing. This is your opportunity to actually get on a cargo bike and test it out! Movie starts at 5:30pm and runs for 90 minutes.
Please forward the attached MOTHERLOAD press release to your affiliated organizations and to anyone who might be interested in attending this free event.