Urban Farming Hearing (Feb 26)
The Spokane City Plan Commission is holding public hearings on Wednesday, February 26 at 4pm in City Hall (808 W Spokane Falls Blvd, City Council Chambers, Lower Level) to receive public testimony on an ordinance related to the topic of urban farming.
The ordinance is for the proposed adoption to the Spokane Municipal Code of section 17C.380, which is related to the regulation of market gardens.
Any person may submit written comments to the Plan Commission and appear at the public hearing to submit oral comments on the proposal. Copies of the draft ordinances before the Plan Commission are available at spokaneplanning.org.
A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-significance (DNS) was issued on February 10 pursuant to WAC 197-11-340 and section 17E.050 of the Spokane Municipal Code. Comments on the DNS must be submitted by 4pm on February 26.
To submit comments or request more information, contact Tirrell Black at tblack@spokanecity.org or (509) 625-6300.