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Tag: volunteering

E-G Farmers’ Market Signs Are Here!

E-G Farmers’ Market Signs Are Here!

Now we need help making sandwich boards for them! If you have some extra plywood and/or a spare hour or two, we’d like your help. We need to make three separate 2.5′ x 4′ sandwich boards to accommodate the “pointing” vinyl roadside signs pictured below, which will simply be affixed to the front. Let us know if you’re able to help out by using the contact form, or simply drop us a line via e-mail. This is a grassroots operation,…

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Upcoming Neighborhood Council Elections

Upcoming Neighborhood Council Elections

Got some free time? Want to devote some of it to helping lead Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council? The EGNC will be holding officer elections at its next monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 10. All positions are up for grabs — and anyone who’s a member can put their name forward for nomination. The officer positions include chair, co-chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer. Briefly: The chair heads meetings, appoints subcommittees and is the primary liaison between the EGNC and the city….

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February Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

February Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

[What follows is a recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council Meeting that took place on Wednesday, February 13. You can either read slimmed and streamlined version of the minutes below, or download the full version of the meeting’s minutes here.] The meeting began with a presentation from Judge Tracy Staab of the Spokane Municipal Court. The judge gave a Powerpoint slideshow that detailed the many facets of the Court, such as crime statistics, budgets, and punishment or rehabilitation methods. The slideshow was supposed to…

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Citizen Code Enforcement Volunteers Needed

Citizen Code Enforcement Volunteers Needed

The Office of Neighborhood Services/Code Enforcement is currently accepting applications for Citizen Code Enforcement Volunteers. Code Enforcement makes sure that all the niceties of neighborly living are maintained, even if there’s one party that doesn’t see why the niceties of neighborly living are necessary. So, for example, Code Enforcement is what keeps your neighbors from erecting an 8-foot-high fence along your property while you’re away on vacation. When polite requests fail, it provides a route for reprimanding the homeowner with…

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Now, Where Do We Go from Here?

Now, Where Do We Go from Here?

Thanks to everyone who took the time to follow the story about The Hoods and our response to it, we’ve had hundreds of new visitors to this site over the past 48 hours. We hope that it won’t be a one-off and that many of you will return to stay abreast of much less incendiary news about neighborhood developments and events. Whether you agree with our point about The Hoods or not, we want to invite everyone with a stake…

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