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Tag: Spokane Police

Recap of the February 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the February 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

This is a brief recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council (EGNC) meeting that took place on February 10, 2016. Patrick Striker, the Executive Director of the Spokane Community-Oriented Policing Services (Spokane C.O.P.S.) program gave common-sense advice about preventing crime. Some of his tips included: Do not leave anything tempting in a vehicle, such as a laptop bag, regardless of whether or not it contains valuable contents. As jackets can also be used for covering valuables, that may also be tempting to a…

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Recap of the November 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the November 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

This is a brief recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that took place on November 11, 2015. Officer Tracy Douglas reported on the monthly statistics for area “P2,” which includes Emerson-Garfield as well as West Central and parts of the North Hill Neighborhood. There were no sexual assaults in our area last month, nor any commercial robberies. There were two robberies of a person, one domestic violence incident, and 14 violent crimes in the last month. For residential burglary, there…

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Recap of the October 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the October 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

This is a brief recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that took place on October 14, 2015. There were several guest speakers. Greg Johnson from Cliff-Cannon Neighborhood spoke first to address the cell tower ordinance. He noted that there has been a clash between those who desire more cellular data coverage and those residents who are concerned with their proximity to a cell phone tower for health or aesthetic reasons. There are substitutes, he said, such as a larger number of…

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Materials for the Oct 14 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Materials for the Oct 14 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

It’s an action-packed agenda at this month’s meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council, which happens tomorrow (Wednesday, October 14) starting at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Activity Center Center (827 W Cleveland). There’s an update from Community Frameworks on the West 315 revitalization at the corner of Washington and Mission. In other development news, one resident will be speaking to her concerns over a proposed 24-cottage facility by the Transitional Living Center. We’ll also be continuing the conversation on neighborhood crime that we began…

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Recap of the September 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the September 2015 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

This is a recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that took place on Wednesday, September 9. In response to concerns about an increase in crime, Officer Tracy Ponto of the Spokane Police Department addressed neighborhood crime statistics over the last month. The reports include West Central as well parts of North Hill, so there is no distinction from Emerson-Garfield, but they do indicate some downward trends. Sexual assault is down this month. Commercial robbery is down, and robbery of a person…

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