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Tag: public transportation

The Future of North Monroe

The Future of North Monroe

The state of North Monroe has been a point of concern for residents and businesses for a long time now. This poorly lit, five-lane, treeless thoroughfare physically and psychologically divides Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood. There have been pedestrian fatalities. The doors of parked cars have been ripped off by passing traffic. The current environment is downright hostile to anyone who wants to park and walk from shop to shop, and by the same token, it poses an additional challenge to all the…

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Recap of the November E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the November E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Here’s a recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that took place on Wednesday, November 12. Once they’ve been approved, you can download the full minutes from this page. The first speaker was Tim Schwering, the Director of Strategic Initiatives in charge of civilian oversight for the Spokane Police Department. A sample body camera was passed through the room. He noted a study of camera use in Rialto, CA, which showed a 59% decrease in the use of force and an 87.5%…

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Take the STA Moving Forward Survey

Take the STA Moving Forward Survey

STA Moving Forward is the Spokane Transit Authority’s draft ten-year implementation plan that proposes to sustain existing service levels and provide more and better transit for the growing region. As a part of the public outreach period from September through November, the STA has provided an online survey to solicit feedback on the proposed package of transit projects as well as a potential funding mechanism in the form of a voter-approved 0.3% increase in the local sales tax rate. Karl Otterstrom, Director…

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Business Outreach Event Recap

Business Outreach Event Recap

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Planning group hosted a Business Outreach Event on April 17 at CSL Plasma (2126 N Monroe). This post (and the video below) offers just a brief recap of some of the highlights; to download the full minutes, please click here. There were 31 attendees in total. Among those speaking at the presentation were Craig Anderson, a Landscape Architect with AHBL; Inga Note, Senior Traffic Planning Engineer within the Streets Department; Jo Anne Wright, the liaison for the City of Spokane Planning…

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N. Monroe Traffic Presentation

N. Monroe Traffic Presentation

Below is a YouTube movie of the presentation on N. Monroe given by Bob Turner, Senior Traffic Engineer for the City of Spokane, at February’s Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting. It contains statistics such as average daily vehicle counts and vehicle speed as well as a ten-year retrospective of collisions and pedestrian fatalities. Some of the figures might be surprising, even if they do seem to be at odds with our day-to-day experience on N. Monroe. Toward the end there’s a…

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