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Tag: City of Spokane

Post Street Bridge Survey and City Planning Speaker Joe Minicozzi

Post Street Bridge Survey and City Planning Speaker Joe Minicozzi

The City of Spokane is seeking input from the public regarding the replacement of the Post Street Bridge. View the current construction options and take a survey on the City’s website. The City would like public input on how to accommodate vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians on the 51 ft. wide bridge deck. This includes one vehicular travel lane northbound, pedestrian and bicycle routes as well as accommodating the Centennial Trail. Spokane Regional Transportation Council is hosting Joe Minicozzi, a popular…

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City of Spokane Parking Survey

City of Spokane Parking Survey

The City of Spokane is conducting a parking study to examine a wide range of key issues including; parking prices, parking technology, parking development and growth trends, angled parking, walking and safety, employee parking options, and parking rules. As part of these efforts, they are seeking your input. Complete the survey and have a chance to win a gift card to Atticus Coffee & Gifts! Enter your email in question #1 to be eligible. Each survey should take about 7-10 minutes to complete. All responses will remain confidential…

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Community Conversation with Chief Craig Meidl

Community Conversation with Chief Craig Meidl

Spokane Police Chief Craig Meidl will be the guest speaker at a Community Conversation event on Tuesday, March 27. The event is open to the public and will run from 6:30 to 8pm in the Mason Room of the West Central Community Center (1603 N Belt).

Historic Preservation in Emerson-Garfield

Historic Preservation in Emerson-Garfield

Whenever a historic building is demolished in Emerson-Garfield, our neighborhood loses a unique monument to its past. Forever. That’s why the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council is putting together a standing committee of volunteers that would pursue historic preservation in our own neighborhood. Interested?

Forum on Speed Limits for Parks and Residential Areas (March 27)

Forum on Speed Limits for Parks and Residential Areas (March 27)

The PeTT Committee will host members of the city council, the police department, the streets department, and the parks department for a forum to discuss the imposition of 20 MPH speed limits around all city parks and certain residential areas the city council may chose to designate. EVERYONE IS INVITED! Tuesday, March 27 at 6pm West Central Community Center (1603 N Belt), Contact Paul Kropp, PeTT chair, by e-mail at or at (509) 638-5854 for further information.