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Tag: City of Spokane

More Free Trees Available Now

More Free Trees Available Now

The Residential Tree Program—part of the Forest Spokane Initiative—is back with another round of free trees for Spokane residents. As some of you might recall, the Residential Tree Program held similar distributions in the spring and fall of 2015 that gave away a total of 2,000 trees as part of a combined citywide greening, beautification and stormwater mitigation effort. This program aims to do the same in 2016. The first 1,000 trees will be distributed during the week of April 18 to 24 and the…

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Recap of the February 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the February 2016 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

This is a brief recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council (EGNC) meeting that took place on February 10, 2016. Patrick Striker, the Executive Director of the Spokane Community-Oriented Policing Services (Spokane C.O.P.S.) program gave common-sense advice about preventing crime. Some of his tips included: Do not leave anything tempting in a vehicle, such as a laptop bag, regardless of whether or not it contains valuable contents. As jackets can also be used for covering valuables, that may also be tempting to a…

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Materials for the Feb 10 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Materials for the Feb 10 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Following its customary January hiatus, the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council resumes its monthly meeting schedule tomorrow (Wednesday, February 10). It starts at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Activity Center Center (827 W Cleveland). There are two guest speakers this month: Jonathan Mallahan of the City of Spokane and Patrick Striker of Spokane COPS. Jonathan will be speaking about the reorganization at City Hall and what that means for neighborhoods. He’ll leave time to field questions and address some of the concerns we had when the news was…

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Traffic-Calming Workshops (Jan 26, 27 & Feb 3)

Traffic-Calming Workshops (Jan 26, 27 & Feb 3)

The Office of Neighborhood Services is hosting three different traffic-calming workshops for anyone interested in learning how their grassroots traffic-calming proposals can turn into fully realized projects. To put it another way: If you really want a roundabout or a crosswalk somewhere, these workshops will let you know if it’s possible and, if so, how to go about making it happen. The workshops will take place on Tuesday, January 26 at the Northeast Community Center (4001 N Cook), Wednesday, January 27 at…

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No More Office of Neighborhood Services?

No More Office of Neighborhood Services?

[NOTE: Within minutes making of this post, we received a call from Jonathan Mallahan of the City of Spokane. He stressed that the Office of Neighborhood Services is not going away and that the initial blog post announcing the City Hall reorganization (linked below) could perhaps have been clearer about this. We’ve invited him to speak at the next EGNC meeting to clarify any uncertainties and added a question mark to our title above. Please read the following with this in mind.]…

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