Register Your National Night Out Block Party for 2016
If you’re thinking about holding a block party for the National Night Out Against Crime on Tuesday, August 2, please be sure to register with Spokane C.O.P.S. so they can make it a part of the citywide schedule.
The deadline for registration is Monday, July 25. And while you’re at it, please let us know so we can spread the word via our e-newsletter and social media.
Why organize a block party on that date? Because it will be part of the annual National Night Out Against Crime (NNO), an event that raises awareness about crime and drug prevention. More information on NNO in Spokane is here.
Each year neighborhoods, community organizations, youth organizations, apartment complexes and businesses throughout Spokane are invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the NNO. It involves over 16,500 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the world. More than 38 million people are expected to participate in 2016.
The purpose of the NNO is to
- Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness.
- Generate support for and participation in local anti-crime efforts.
- Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police/community partnerships.
- Send a message to criminals, letting them know neighbors are organized and fighting back
You and your neighborhood, apartment community, mobile home park, organization or business can join Spokane C.O.P.S. by hosting a variety of special events such as a block party, cookouts, ice cream social, youth activities, visits from McGruff, police and fire departments, city council members, and so on.
Register your block party today by filling out the online registration form at the Spokane C.O.P.S. website or by picking up a form at your local C.O.P.S. Shop. In Emerson-Garfield, the nearest location is C.O.P.S. North Central (630 W Shannon).
You can ask for more information on NNO and local Night Out events in person or by calling Spokane C.O.P.S. at (509) 625-3301.