Feedback Requested – Downtown Plan Update
The Downtown Spokane Partnership and the City of Spokane have begun the process to create a new plan for Downtown. The last plan was adopted in 2008 and the new plan will address the next 10 years.
View the Plan’s public workshop and survey summaries. The City would like to know whether you and your neighbors believe the Plan draft accurately reflects that process. Send initial comments to the project email info@spokanedowntownplan.org by March 16, 2021.
Overview presentation given to the City Plan Commission last month. The presentation shows the key features and functions of the Plan, such as a focus on a connected and walkable Downtown with sidewalks more activated through uses in adjacent buildings and activities along the street.
The Downtown Plan was last updated in 2008. Highlights in this update to support a more connected and walkable Downtown strategy include:
- Transforming low-traffic streets by converting travel lanes for bike/scooter and pedestrian facilities, and additional on-street parking, rearranging how space is used within the existing right-of-way on some streets.
- There is also a renewed focus on redeveloping several surface parking lots for a mix of residential and commercial office development, as well as parking garages.
2 thoughts on “Feedback Requested – Downtown Plan Update”
I think that a representative from the Downtown area should come to one of the Neighborhood Council Zoom Meetings and do a presentation of the changes and proposals. That would make it more understandable to us as residents so close to the downtown area and how it will impact us and our neighborhood. Thank you.
Thanks for the idea, Anne. I will forward this on to the co-chairs.
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