City Council Climate Survey
The Spokane Community is Invited to Participate!
A group of Spokane experts and volunteers are working to study local impacts of climate change on the city of Spokane, and they want to hear from you. The volunteers are part of the Sustainability Action Subcommittee, or SAS.
Spokane City Council created the SAS in 2019 and asked the group to draft a Climate Action Plan. The goal of the plan is to help the City, businesses, organizations and residents respond effectively to the growing impacts of climate change. As a first step to engage wider participation, The City Council is inviting everyone to take a brief, anonymous survey.
City Council President, Breean Beggs says, “The City of Spokane wants to hear from all community members to learn how they think we should respond to current climate challenges. We can only move forward if we listen to everybody.” You can take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/spokane-sas-survey
Responses to the survey will be used to build content for further interactive community involvement and for developing Spokane’s Climate Action Plan.
The Spokane Climate Action Survey takes about five minutes to complete. If you would like your voice heard on the topic of climate change, please visit the survey website: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/spokane-sas-survey. Paper surveys will also be made available at city libraries.
To learn more, visit the SAS webpage: https://my.spokanecity.org/sas