West Cora Ave – Request for Comments
Following is the SEPA application for the development to be built next to the church on Cora Ave. You have until Wednesday, August 23rd to lodge questions or comments.
Please find attached the SEPA Request for Comments and the SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) Checklist, Site Plan and supporting documents. Project Name: West Cora Multi-FamilyPermit Number: B2314132SEPASite Address: 440/516 W Cora Ave , 35064.3612 & 35064.3613 Please direct any questions or comments to City of Spokane Admin at dscadmin@spokanecity.org by Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 5:00 PM. Thank you, Amanda Kiehn | SEPA Coordinator509.625.6705 | my.spokanecity.org |
The following are the various documents that have been submitted with the application.