Tour de Farms 2023 is around Corbin Park!
Growing Neighbors Tour de Farms event is coming up on September 16th from 9-noon. There are 4 gardens, featuring edible plants, that are available to tour “open house” style from 9-10:45 a.m. All are welcome to visit as many as possible (preferably by walking, jogging, or biking) then gather at the Shadle Library for a cooking demo, snacks, prizes, produce exchange, and celebration from 11-noon.

This is a chance for us to inspire others to grow and share healthy food and relationships in their yards or neighborhood community gardens near them. We’re also hoping folks will be inspired to donate toward Growing Neighbors to help continue our mission. We’d love your help promoting this!
Know of another garden in the Corbin Park area we should add? Have access to any prizes we can share? Have questions or ready to RSVP? Let us know at 509-327-5522 or growingneighbors509@gmail.com.
John Edmondson
www.GrowingNeighbors.org – Growing Neighbors Director
www.ShadleParkPres.org – Family Ministries Director
Mobile: 509-389-7941
Office: 509-327-5522