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Tag: traffic

Draft Regional Safety Action Plan – Available for Review!

Draft Regional Safety Action Plan – Available for Review!

The Spokane Regional Transportation Council is sharing the draft Regional Safety Action Plan for public review. Find out more below: Fatal or serious injury crashes not only negatively impact the people who get hurt. They also affect countless other family members, emergency responders and friends. That is the most important reason for the development of the Regional Safety Action Plan. The draft plan is now available and is set to go to the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Board of Directors on…

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STA Division BRT Open House Event

STA Division BRT Open House Event

On Tuesday, April 9th STA is hosting an Open House where additional information about the Division Street BRT project will be shared and STA team members will be available to answer questions from the community. Click here to learn more.  Event: STA Open House Date/Time: Tuesday, April 9; 4:00 p.m. –  6:00 p.m. Location: STA Plaza, Ground Floor Rotunda, 701 W Riverside Ave, Spokane WA 99201

SRTC Regional Safety Action Plan

SRTC Regional Safety Action Plan

Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) is looking for feedback for their Regional Safety Action Plan. You can help contribute to this work by sharing your safety concerns with them here. That page is an interactive story map, where you can learn more about the Regional Safety Action Plan, answer survey questions, and pinpoint specific locations on a map where you feel unsafe. The page will be open until March 15th, 2024. You can learn more about the Regional Safety Action…

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Citizens’ Transportation Advisory Board – Open Positions

Citizens’ Transportation Advisory Board – Open Positions

As mentioned in the EGNC meeting this evening, there are multiple openings on the Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Board (CTAB). If you are interested in learning more about this role, please visit the City website, here. CTAB meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, at 5:30pm, in the City of Spokane Streets Department Conference Room – 901 N. Nelson Street. If transportation isn’t your calling, but you would still like to get involved, there is a list of…

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Bicycle Priority Network

Bicycle Priority Network

The City of Spokane has hired a consultant team to help create a better Bicycle Priority Network plan. The project is currently seeking feedback from the community. Please respond and feel free to share, so more people have an opportunity to give feedback about specific locations.