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Tag: residents

Open Houses Announced for Transportation Chapter of the City’s Comprehensive Plan

Open Houses Announced for Transportation Chapter of the City’s Comprehensive Plan

The last major update of the City’s long range / 20 year transportation plan occurred as part of the development of the 2001 Comprehensive Plan. The first steps of the 2017 update were to review the adopted plan and the implementation of strategies it recommended over the past 16 years. Overall, the theme and guiding values of the draft update to the transportation plan has largely stayed the same. In order to achieve a vision that lives within a future with limited…

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Free Coffee and Pastry with a Cop

Free Coffee and Pastry with a Cop

On Thursday November 10th, there will be free coffee and pastry with a Cop at the NorthTown Mall from 10 am to 12pm in the Internet Café area which is on the north end of the mall between Buffalo Wild Wings and Kohls. This is a great opportunity to talk to members of the Spokane Police Department about any topic that you wish in a very casual atmosphere. Come meet and build relationships with the officers who actually patrol your…

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Call for Volunteers: Weeding Day on Maple

Call for Volunteers: Weeding Day on Maple

It’s that time of year again! Help keep Emerson-Garfield beautiful and join your neighbors to ready the yucca and horizontal juniper bushes on Maple (planted by neighborhood volunteers) for fall. Meet up at the intersection of Euclid and Maple on Saturday, October 22 at 9 am. Let us know you’re going here!

Infill Development Open House Results And Continued Discussion

Infill Development Open House Results And Continued Discussion

On August 30, the City of Spokane held an open house to discuss the infill development project. You may now view the results of the open house discussions. The City invites continued discussion about the concepts presented in the comment section on their blog: For more information, and to participate in the online survey by Monday, September 12, please visit the project webpage:

Shaping Spokane – 2017 Update to the Comprehensive Plan

Shaping Spokane – 2017 Update to the Comprehensive Plan

The City of Spokane has launched a new website, Shaping Spokane, to share information about the updates they are making to the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a 20-year vision for the City and a roadmap for Spokane’s future that sets the framework for physical, social, and economic development of the City. As such, it provides guidance for city development – the major land uses, transportation systems, parks, open spaces, and centers for shopping and employment, as well as…

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