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Tag: residents

Photos from the April 2015 Greening Grant Plantings

Photos from the April 2015 Greening Grant Plantings

Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood held two simultaneous Greening Grant plantings on April 4, 2015. One took place on the traffic median near 3114 N Maple, where trees had already been installed as part of the 2014 Greening Grant plantings. The year volunteers planted yucca and horizontal juniper bushes as ground cover, leaving enough room for the sidewalk to be laid later this year. The other planting took place on the eastern side of Garfield Elementary. Spokane Urban Forestry had actually installed the trees a few days…

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Materials for the Feb 11 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Materials for the Feb 11 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Following a relaxing January hiatus, the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meets tomorrow (February 11) for the first time in 2015. The meeting starts at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland). There are no guest speakers on this month’s agenda, which leaves us ample time to review and vote on the traffic-calming applications that schools, churches and residents have submitted this year for the neighborhood council’s approval. There are two arterial and three residential applications — with the possibility of more arriving between now…

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Craftwalk This Friday! (Sep 26)

Craftwalk This Friday! (Sep 26)

One last reminder that the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market is holding its first-ever Craftwalk this Friday, September 26. It will run concurrent with and alongside the usual weekly food-oriented market (806 W Knox, 3-7pm). So far 23 vendors have confirmed that they’ll be joining us, and some of them will have multiple tables. Their goods include sculptural and painted art; custom jewelry from beads, metal, hemp, glass and wood; upcycled clothing, aprons and handbags; handmade health and beauty items; embroidery; doll clothes and…

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Mayor Recognizes E-G, Announces Tree Initiative

Mayor Recognizes E-G, Announces Tree Initiative

Yesterday Spokane Mayor David Condon launched a new initiative to beautify neighborhoods with the addition of trees and green infrastructure. That initiative, called Forest Spokane, is an effort to plant, protect and appreciate the trees that paint a canopy of vibrant colors in our city. The goal is to plant 10,000 new trees over the next two years as part of a broader integrated stormwater management effort. Spokane was also honored today as a Tree City USA community by the…

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Disused Car Wash on NW Blvd

Disused Car Wash on NW Blvd

A W Carlisle resident has asked the neighborhood to draw its attention to the disused car wash on NW Boulevard: Between the garbage being dumped there, the graffiti, and the fact that it is literally falling apart, I was wondering if there is anyone we could contact about cleaning it up or having it removed or something. Something, anything, needs to be done about this. I’ve lost track of the amount of times I’ve seen shady activity there on the way…

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