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Tag: residents

Craftwalk at the E-G Farmers’ Market (Sep 18)

Craftwalk at the E-G Farmers’ Market (Sep 18)

The second annual Craftwalk at the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market is scheduled for Friday, September 18. It will run concurrent with the market (i.e., 3-7pm). Not familiar with Craftwalk? This is a special event where the market welcomes specialty non-food vendors of all kinds. Local artists and crafters with unique handmade items such as quilts, knitwear, upcycled goods, jewelry, clothing, hats, sculpture, soaps and pottery will line the sidewalk around the perimeter of the lot. Because Craftwalk complements the usual market, that means there will be music,…

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Photos from the 2015 Neighborhood Summer Potluck

Photos from the 2015 Neighborhood Summer Potluck

Here’s a gallery of photos of the recent neighborhood Summer Potluck that took place in Corbin Park on August 12, 2015. We’re grateful to Jonathan Martinez for taking time out to snap and send them! Tomorrow we’ll be posting a recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that followed the potluck.

Greening Grants: Street Trees on W Mansfield

Greening Grants: Street Trees on W Mansfield

As part of the City’s current round of Greening Grants, volunteers from the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council recently convened in Emerson Park and identified streets in the neighborhood that were lacking trees. One area that came up (and has come up at least once before) is West Mansfield. The Office of Neighborhood Services and Spokane Urban Forestry pulled together some data that identified existing trees and showed where new trees might be planted. Those annotated maps are shown in the gallery below. If…

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Photos from the Trinity Traffic-Circle Planting

Photos from the Trinity Traffic-Circle Planting

Here are some photos from this morning’s traffic-circle planting at Trinity Catholic School. This is the first of two plantings that will beautify these residential traffic-calming projects on W Montgomery. With the help of teachers, parents and neighbors, the students planted coneflower (aka echinacea), blue fescue and some tall grasses that are also drought-resistant, so they’re as practical as they are pretty. Similar flowers and grasses will be planted at the circle at the intersection of Madison and Montgomery — stop…

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Photos from Spring Cleanup 2015

Photos from Spring Cleanup 2015

It was another banner year for the Spring Cleanup event, which was held on April 18. In under four hours, 21.20 tons of trash were collected and hauled away. That saved Emerson-Garfield residents $3,957.30 in dump fees and helped to clean up many yards, garages, alleys and attics in the neighborhood. A total of 3,920 pounds of metal were collected for recycling. Those figures weren’t quite as high as last year, but there were other numbers that far exceeded any previous Spring Cleanup —…

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