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Tag: public event

Affordable Care Act Info Session, Oct 1

Affordable Care Act Info Session, Oct 1

On Tuesday, October 1 Riverside Neighborhood Council will be hosting a representative of Community Minded Enterprises to take participants through the details of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) as well as Washington State’s Medical Care Exchange. A state legislator will also be on hand to respond to questions regarding both of the programs. The event will be help from 5-7pm in Room 1A of the Downtown Branch of the Spokane Public Library (906 W Main Ave) [map].

Meet & Eat with Andy Billig & Others, Sep 24

Meet & Eat with Andy Billig & Others, Sep 24

Hillyard Neighborhood will be hosting a Meet & Eat with Andy Billig, Marcus Riccelli and Shelley Redinger on Tuesday, September 24. It will take place at Gateway Church (5201 N Market St) [map] and will run from 6 to 8pm. A Meet & Eat is an informal event put on by Spokane’s neighborhood councils to give citizens an opportunity to sit down and chat with persons of note. In this case, you’ll get to hobnob with 3rd District officials Senator Andy Billig and Representative Marcus Riccelli…

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Corn Feed Potluck, Sept 15

Corn Feed Potluck, Sept 15

The members of Emerson Community Garden will be hosting their annual Corn Feed Potluck tomorrow (Sunday, September 15) at Emerson Park [map] starting at 1:30pm. The idea behind the event is to give everyone in the neighborhood a chance to share in this season’s bounty of the Emerson Community Garden. All participants are asked to bring a dish, drink or dessert to share. There was a great turnout last year, and everyone involved is looking forward to mingling with neighbors and…

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Materials for the Sept 11 EGNC Meeting

Materials for the Sept 11 EGNC Meeting

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meets tonight (Wednesday, September 11) for its first regular meeting since June. (There was no meeting in July, and August was an informal potluck.) This meeting departs from the usual format in that it’s a city-wide town hall with Mayor Condon (or his emissary) on the 2014 budget, so the EGNC agenda is relatively brief on account of the shortened meeting. A few items we will be considering: The city has proposed changes in neighborhood council…

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Vintage, Hearts & Flowers Charity Event, Aug 24

Vintage, Hearts & Flowers Charity Event, Aug 24

The annual North Monroe Vintage, Hearts & Flowers charity event to benefit the Women and Children’s Free Restaurant here in Emerson-Garfield will take place tomorrow (Saturday, August 24) at The Heart of Spokane (3017 N Monroe) [map] between noon and 5pm. The event is both a canned food drive and family-friendly shopping extravaganza. In addition to face painting for the kids and fundraising raffles, you can wander up and down North Monroe and visit the many individually owned retro, craft, and…

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