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Tag: public event

Mayor Condon’s State of the City Address Tonight

Mayor Condon’s State of the City Address Tonight

Mayor Condon will be giving his State of the City address tonight (Thursday, January 30) at 6pm in the North Central High School (1600 N. Howard) Skylight Room. The event is open to the public. The mayor will be talking this evening about progress made in 2013 in priority areas such as public safety, streets and utilities He will also speak to the work that lies ahead this year and beyond. The festivities actually start an hour earlier (at 5pm),…

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Neighborhood Training: Succession Planning (Jan 6)

Neighborhood Training: Succession Planning (Jan 6)

The Office of Neighborhood Services will be holding another event in its successful and informative Neighborhood Training series. This one is on succession planning: that is, how the current group of neighborhood council officers will be replaced by the newly elected group of officers following this year’s voting process (which most councils typically hold in January). Incidentally, Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council holds its annual elections in April. The succession planning workshop will take place on Monday, January 6 from 6 to 7:30pm…

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Traffic-Calming Orientation Tonight (Dec 16)

Traffic-Calming Orientation Tonight (Dec 16)

Apologies for the short notice (our neighborhood council is still waiting on being paired with a Web intern to help us post in a more timely fashion), but there’s a traffic-calming orientation tonight, December 16, from 5:30-7pm at City Hall [map]. Traffic calming is a frequent topic at neighborhood council meetings across Spokane. This 90-minute session will bring you up to speed on how you can slow down traffic in your neighborhood. You’ll learn how a stretch of road might…

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Meet & Eat with Andrew Chanse (Nov 7)

Meet & Eat with Andrew Chanse (Nov 7)

Chief Garry Park Neighborhood Council is hosting a Meet & Eat with new Spokane Library Director Andrew Chanse on Thursday, November 7. It will take place at Cassano’s Italian Grocery (2002 E Mission Ave) [map] from 5-6:30pm. Meet & Eats are hosted by individual neighborhood councils and provide an opportunity for people from all over Spokane to engage with community leaders on an informal basis. They not meant to be stage-managed PR events, but rather down-to-earth forums where you can…

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ENUFF Crime Awareness Event, Oct 22

ENUFF Crime Awareness Event, Oct 22

Spokane COPS will be hosting an Every Neighborhood United for Families (ENUFF) crime awareness/prevention forum on Tuesday, October 22 at New Hope Christian Reform Church (3310 W Francis) [map] from 6-8pm. This free event will address theft, vandalism and clutter in neighborhoods across Spokane and help connect individuals and organizations who are striving to increase safety in their community. Experts will be on hand to talk about Block Watch, current crime trends and neighbor-to-neighbor connectedness. You’ll also hear how you…

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