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Meet the EGNC Tomorrow at the COHBC Garage Sale

Meet the EGNC Tomorrow at the COHBC Garage Sale

Got lingering questions about the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council? You can catch up with us tomorrow (Saturday, July 6) at the Christ Our Hope Bible Church community garage sale. We’ll have a table where you can chat face-to-face with members of the EGNC and find out just what the neighborhood council is and what it does. They’ll be able to tell you about upcoming events like the farmers’ market and the concert in Emerson Park, how the neighborhood council can help…

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Proposed Changes to Photo Red: Your Input Is Needed

Proposed Changes to Photo Red: Your Input Is Needed

The Spokane City Council is currently looking at the Photo Red program to see if they want to recommend to the Spokane Police Department to move forward with retaining or amending the contract language. Neighborhood councils like ours need to be proactive when it comes time for open discussion as to where those funds may be allocated. There is expected to be discussion as to using some of the funds for purposes other than neighborhood traffic calming projects such as…

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Materials for the June 12 EGNC Meeting

Materials for the June 12 EGNC Meeting

This month’s Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council Meeting (and the last one until the potluck in August) will take place this Wednesday, June 12 starting at 7pm in the Corbin Senior Center. Materials are available from the Downloads page. Or grab ’em here: Agenda for the June 12, 2013 meeting Minutes from the May 8, 2013 meeting (pending approval) We have one presentation scheduled for this meeting. Andrew Worlock begged off (please read his e-mail to the EGNC), but we still have police…

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April Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

April Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

We’re a bit late in posting the recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that took place on April 10 — but better late than never, right? As always, what follows is the digested version of events. The full minutes from the meeting are available for download here. The meeting began a bit late due to persons of the political persuasion speaking to the group prior to the official start of the meeting. There was a brief discussion about the absence…

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Results of the 2013 Spring Cleanup

Results of the 2013 Spring Cleanup

“Garbage Czar” Karl Boldt reports that Emerson-Garfield had a great turnout at yesterday’s Spring Cleanup. The event served about 170 residences, primarily from W Montgomery Ave northwards, and with pretty consistent representation from both the east and west of N Monroe. Karl estimates that 23 tons of refuse was collected along with two tons of clean green. The 20-yard metal recycling bin was also full by the time collection ended at 12:30pm. The neighborhood had $6,000 in dump costs allocated…

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