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Recap of 2014 Summer Potluck at Emerson Park

Recap of 2014 Summer Potluck at Emerson Park

What follows is a condensed version of the minutes from the short meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council that followed the annual Summer Potluck on August 13, 2014 in Emerson Park. Prior to the meeting, during the barbeque, some neighbors brainstormed with Joe Cannon, a restoration ecologist from the Lands Council, about what trees would be ideal to plant throughout the neighborhood as part of the current Greening Neighborhoods grants. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm, and…

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E-G Summer Potluck in Emerson Park (Aug 13)

E-G Summer Potluck in Emerson Park (Aug 13)

The annual Emerson-Garfield Summer Potluck will take place in Emerson Park this Wednesday, August 13 starting at 6pm. The neighborhood potlucks are open to everyone who lives, works or plays in Emerson-Garfield, so feel free to come for the first (or fifteenth) time and invite other people on your block. These potlucks are a great way to meet your neighbors and members of the community in the relaxed surroundings of our neighborhood parks. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share! It…

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Photos from 2014 Summer Parkways in E-G

Photos from 2014 Summer Parkways in E-G

Summer Parkways returned to Emerson-Garfield last Friday evening. Streets around Corbin Park limited access to traffic to make way for people-powered transportation like bicycles and skateboards. The park itself played host to vendors like Pizza Rita, LuLaRoe and The Scoop plus outreach tables for the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council, Spokane C.O.P.S., the Summer Parkways Staff, Washington Bikes, Spokane Public Montessori, Corbin Park Homeowners Association, Washington Trails Association, Faith Bible Church and others. The E-G Neighborhood Council also held its Concert in the Park…

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June Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

June Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

Here’s a brief recap of last week’s monthly Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting. SPD Ombudsman Tim Burns presented an overview of his annual report (available in full from this page). Some broad stats: 218 complaints against the police department were filed last year; the City Council authorized the hiring of 26 additional officers, 220 body cameras, and a $1.3 million expenditure ($400,000 of which involves a state-of-the-art addition to the training academy). The body cameras can be expected to be put in…

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Materials for the June 11 EGNC Meeting

Materials for the June 11 EGNC Meeting

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meets this Wednesday, June 11 at 7pm in the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland). If you’ve been meaning to come to a neighborhood council meeting, make it this one. There’s not a ton on the agenda, so it’ll be short, but what is on the agenda consists of things like concerts, parties, and potlucks, so it’ll certainly be sweet. Anyone with an interest in Emerson-Garfield is welcome to attend. SPD Ombudsman Tim Burns will be giving his annual report on police complaints (including,…

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