One last chance for Traffic Calming feedback
Following the recent round of public traffic-calming workshops, the City of Spokane has asked for additional input from citizens via a ThoughtExchange survey.

Whether or not you attended those workshops, we’d encourage you to take the survey and weigh in with your own ideas on potential traffic-calming priorities. To do so, click this link. Please note that link is only valid if you live in District 3 (i.e., Northwest Spokane).
As a group, we at the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council would ask that you consider one particular trouble spot when entering your responses.
Based on direct and ongoing feedback from residents, our council has determined that Euclid Ave heading west from its intersection with Division is our number-one concern for traffic calming. There have been numerous accidents, injuries and property damage as drivers, and especially street racers, turn off of Division onto Euclid at too high a rate of speed and lose control of their vehicle.
However, a speed mitigation project on Euclid was not included on the slate of projects that the City presented at these workshops. (And, if we’re honest, few of the City’s proposed projects addressed the top concerns that our residents have identified in the past.) Therefore we’d appreciate it if you could advocate for your Euclid Ave neighbors when you’re filling out the survey.
You’ve only got until June 23 to take the survey, so please don’t delay if you’d like to see safer routes for everyone across the city. Here is the link to the survey.
And for some background and context on the City’s traffic-calming initiative, there’s a handy one-minute video below.
The results of the survey will be posted on the City’s traffic-calming website after the survey closes on Friday, June 23.