Neighborhood Clean-Up Event – 2023
Saturday, May 20,2023
What: The Emerson Garfield Neighborhood Council is hosting a FREE neighborhood clean-up event for residents. Drive through style drop off.
When: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
Where: Parking lot of Faith Bible Church (600 W. Cora Ave.)
IMPORTANT: Bring the blue mailer, your photo ID, or a utility bill to prove residency
Residential Waste Only – No business waste accepted

Your everyday junk/household trash, furniture, and appliances (water heaters must be drained; no refrigerators/freezers); Two (2) tire limit (rims must be removed). Mattress and box springs are allowed. Must break large items into smaller items (example – large furniture). Items must be able to be lifted over an 8′ wall. Nails must be removed from wood.
Leaves and grass clippings (need to be bagged), sod less than 2″ thick, pine needles, pinecones, bush, limbs less than 3″ in diameter and less than 4 feet long. No rock, gravel or animal feces.
Metal Recycling
Any mostly metal item, such as empty water heaters, stoves, washers/dryers, lawnmowers (drained of oil).

The Salvation Army will e-cycle your old computers, TVs, microwaves, and electronic gear – working or not. Other gently used items are accepted for their Thrift Store.
Not Accepted
The City can refuse to haul anything considered dangerous, hazardous, toxic, corrosive, or reacctive including but not limited to items that contain freon, fluorescent lighting tubing, compact fluorscent light bulbs or any mercury containing lights. Paint – Dry Wall – Concrete is not accepted.

Want to Volunteer or Have Questions?
Call or text Karl Boldt at (509) 868-9553