April Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap
This is a quick recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting that took place on April 9, 2014. For the full minutes (PDF), please click here.
Deacon Dan of Knox Presbyterian Church (site of the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market) gave a short talk about Knox Pres. He said that Knox is a small church with dwindling numbers and they want to make everyone aware of the church and the facilities they offer. Anyone in the neighborhood is welcome to take a tour. You can contact him at (509) 869-0339.
The next presentation was from Don Walker of the Spokane Firefighters Union. He talked about the history of the Union, which started in 1918, and more urgent issues such as low funding, lack of staff and outdated equipment. The purpose of the presentation was to begin a conversation about what the citizens want in their fire department.
Alicia Powell from the city’s Office of Neighborhood Services was the next speaker. She talked about stormwater mitigation and planting 10,000 trees in the next two years. In addition to the street-tree planting event scheduled for April 19, she has plans for more tree planting, such as on vacant public lands as well as residential tree planting.
The election of new officers resulted in Bryce Morrison becoming the new secretary, replacing the inimitable Stan Burke.
The EGNC voted to support the North Hill developers’ agreement to address the city-owned property on Cora.
City Councilwoman Candace Mumm discussed the Market Garden Ordinance and its potential effects as well as urban growth and a new crosswalk ordinance. A brief question and answer period followed.
Corbin Senior Center reported that it has two new heaters thanks in part to the support from the EGNC. Corbin has also ordered a new van after years of fundraising but no delivery date is available. The Pancake ‘n’ More event is was April 19, and the Corbin Golf Scramble is on June 6 at Indian Canyon. Also, volunteer drivers are needed.
Garbage Czar Karl Boldt gave the report for the upcoming Spring Cleanup on Saturday, May 10. More volunteers are needed. That event will take place before the next neighborhood meeting so it is hoped everyone who can help out will be there. To volunteer or request more info, call Karl at (509) 325-3031.
Neighborhood Planning announced a Business Outreach Event on April 17 at CSL Plasma to solicit feedback from neighborhood business owners.
Jay Cousins reported on the Community Assembly. They are concerned with how the CDBG funds are being distributed. All neighborhoods are now eligible for the funds, which increases the competition. Furthermore, neighborhoods are now re-evaluated every year for eligibility. A pot of $700,000 is left in the CDBG funding this year but it is for “shovel-ready” projects and the 30-day clock to apply is ticking.
Lois Musser reported on the Emerson Community Garden. Anyone who would like to join is welcome and everyone who joins equally reaps the benefits of the harvest.
Before the meeting closed, Rusty Vlahovich presented a sympathy card for everyone to sign for Ed Reid in memory of his wife Sally, who passed away last month. Sally was the EGNC’s Community Development Coordinator and served on the council for many years. Sally is a light that was extinguished too soon and she will be missed and fondly remembered.