Materials for the April 9 EGNC Meeting
Join the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council when they meet tonight (Wednesday, April 9) at 7pm in the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland). It’s a lighter agenda than the past two meetings, but there are some important items.
The top item will be voting on the North Hill Neighborhood’s proposed developer agreement for the city-owned property on Cora at the base of the N. Monroe Hill. You can find that agreement as an appendix in this month’s agenda. We ask that you please familiarize yourself with that document beforehand to avoid prolonging the meeting.
The second important item is elections. Our secretary is dead set on stepping down after four years in the role, and though his shoes will be tough ones to fill, we’re hoping the right candidate will do so.
Don Waller, President of the Spokane Firefighters Union IAFF 29C will be one of the two guest speakers. Fulcrum Institute canceled because they wanted to develop their project more fully before addressing neighborhoods, but Alicia Powell of the Office of Neighborhood Services will be taking their place to finalize the scheduled tree-planting on N. Maple on April 19.
In addition to addressing some recent resident concerns, there will also be updates on the annual Spring Cleanup event, scheduled for May 10.
Download the April 9 meeting materials here:
- Agenda for the April 9, 2014 meeting
- Minutes from the March 12, 2014 meeting (pending approval)
We look forward to seeing you there!