Mansfield Grocery Conditional Use Permit- *AGENCY* COMMENTS DUE 2/12/2025 by 5pm
⚠️Important update regarding the Mansfield Grocery Conditional Use Permit – Public Comments Update, 2/4/25: The Agency / Department comments are due by Wednesday, 2/12/2025 at 5pm.⚠️
EGNC is one of the agencies that would be able to provide comments, and so, we are holding a special meeting on Monday, 2/10/25, at 6pm (location TBD and via Zoom) in order to discuss any comment that we wish to submit as a council.
Update, 2/4/25:
We received clarification from Steven Bafus via email with the following:
Just wanted to provide some clarification on the current status of the Mansfield Type III Conditional Use Permit.
- The application is currently in the 14-day agency/department comment (aka Request for Comments (RFC)) period which ends on 2/12/2025. This period is intended for various agencies (including the E-G Neighborhood Council) and city departments to provide their comments on the proposal. Comments received from citizens during this time will be added to the record for the Hearing Examiner’s decision.
- There will be a 15-day formal public comment period after the agency/department comment period is complete. Citizens can submit their comments during this time. Citizen comments received during the public comment period will be added to the record for the Hearing Examiner’s decision. A citizen who provides a comment during the above-mentioned RFC may also submit their comment during this public comment period. All owners, taxpayers, and occupants within a 400’ radius of the site will receive a mailed notice of this public comment period. A sign will also be posted on site. Both the mailed notice and sign will also contain information regarding the forthcoming public hearing.
I wanted to provide this clarification as I noticed the E-G website has a posting for comments due on 2/12/2025, which again is deadline for agency/department comments. Citizens will have a chance to provide their comments during the forthcoming 15-day public comment period as mentioned.
Mansfield Grocery Conditional Use Permit – The applicant is proposing a Retail Sales and Service use (grocery store) in the existing structure located at 601 W Mansfield Ave, parcel 35074.2512. Spokane Municipal Code 17C.370 – Existing Neighborhood Commercial Structures in Residential Zones will allow existing neighborhood commercial structures that once housed a legal neighborhood commercial use to be reused for low impact neighborhood scale and neighborhood serving businesses.
👉Please send all comments to Steven Bafus, Planner at by 5pm 2/12/2025.
This is a Type III application and there will be a Public Hearing in front of the City Hearing Examiner. This proposal was initially processed as a Type II application under record number Z24-217CUP2. The decision for this record was appealed and remanded by the Hearing Examiner to be processed as Type III application. No changes to the original plans are proposed.
File/Application Number: Z25-047CUP3
Location: 601 W Mansfield Ave. Parcel no. 35074.2512, SHANNONS 2ND L12 B6
For more information about this application and how it relates to the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood council, you can read EGNC meeting minutes from April 2024 – now, and read this previous post.
Please note that the City posts updates like these on the City’s project webpage: