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Category: Commentary

601 W. Mansfield – Opposition Form Letter

601 W. Mansfield – Opposition Form Letter

Thank you for your willingness to share your feedback on the proposed “Grocery” store on 601 W. Mansfield. Below you will find a sample letter to help you in reaching out to elected officials and Spokane City Planning staff. Feel free to edit or adjust your letter to highlight your own concerns and align with your opinions on the matter. For a comprehensive list of concerns, please reference OPPOSITION: 601 W. Mansfield PLEASE NOTE: Comments are DUE by 5/15/24 (This…

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American Rescue Plan Forum – Tuesday, September 28, 2021

American Rescue Plan Forum – Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Mayor Nadine Woodward and Council President Breean Beggs will host a virtual community forum to discuss the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding process. This public engagement invites community feedback about funding priorities. This moderated session is open for public testimony.   Tuesday, September 255:30-7:00 pm Watch Live Sept. 28 @ 5:30 p.m. or on the City Council’s Facebook page. Sign-up now for open forumCloses Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 5:30 p.m. Speaker Sign-Up Please contact Hannahlee Allers if you have technical issues or are unable to sign up.

Feedback Requested – Downtown Plan Update

Feedback Requested – Downtown Plan Update

The Downtown Spokane Partnership and the City of Spokane have begun the process to create a new plan for Downtown. The last plan was adopted in 2008 and the new plan will address the next 10 years. View the Plan’s public workshop and survey summaries. The City would like to know whether you and your neighbors believe the Plan draft accurately reflects that process. Send initial comments to the project email by March 16, 2021. Overview presentation given to the City…

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Open Houses Announced for Transportation Chapter of the City’s Comprehensive Plan

Open Houses Announced for Transportation Chapter of the City’s Comprehensive Plan

The last major update of the City’s long range / 20 year transportation plan occurred as part of the development of the 2001 Comprehensive Plan. The first steps of the 2017 update were to review the adopted plan and the implementation of strategies it recommended over the past 16 years. Overall, the theme and guiding values of the draft update to the transportation plan has largely stayed the same. In order to achieve a vision that lives within a future with limited…

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Call for ideas on a neighborhood mural

Call for ideas on a neighborhood mural

There is an exciting annoucement from one of our neighborhood’s community resources, Fulcrum’s Ash Street Station. They will be the proud recipients of a mural to be painted on the north facing exterior wall. The Ash Street Station was selected by Gonzaga University’s Art Department, and the mural will be done in cooperation with Spokane Arts. Spokane Arts Supply will be donating art supplies and paint is being contributed via another project donor. What a great line-up of community partners coming together…

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