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About this blog: updates, deletions, and changes.

Asphalt Artists Application Open

Asphalt Artists Application Open

The City of Spokane and Spokane Arts announce the launch of the three-year pilot Asphalt Art Program that was approved last fall by the City Council to create visual interest and slow down vehicular traffic.

Artist applications are being accepted through July 31

Neighborhood Potluck!

Neighborhood Potluck!

Please join us for our annual Emerson Garfield Neighborhood potluck!

The potluck will be held at Emerson Park (116 W. Alice Ave, one block west of Monroe) on Wednesday, August 9th starting at 5 pm. Please bring your own chairs and food to share. There won’t be any grills available so bring pre-prepared food only.

Find Relief from the Heat

Find Relief from the Heat

The City’s Emergency Management Office monitors weather reports to determine whether the cooling spaces plan should be activated. If at least two consecutive days of 95-degree weather are predicted by the National Weather Service, the plan is activated. Spokane’s library system is the cornerstone of the cooling areas plan. It utilizes existing resources that are staffed so it’s cost-effective, has ample space, is already in neighborhoods in various parts of the city and offers water, restrooms, books interactive play areas, wi-fi access, etc.

Seeking Sponsors for our Concert in Corbin Park

Seeking Sponsors for our Concert in Corbin Park

We are looking for individuals or businesses to help fund our concert on August 26th. We need a little help to make this event free to everyone.

A $100 donation gives you:

a booth at the concert

a shout out on social media

and our gratitude for supporting our neighborhood

Concert in Corbin Park

Concert in Corbin Park

SAVE THE DATE! The Emerson Garfield Neighborhood Council is pleased to once again present our Annual Concert in the Park on August 26th, 2023 from 5pm to 7pm at Corbin Park. We are thrilled to have the incredible Zonky Jazz Band as our entertainment.