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About this blog: updates, deletions, and changes.

Cleaning from the Corridor Report

Cleaning from the Corridor Report

Cleaning from the Corridor was a great success! Thank you to everyone who was able to volunteer their time, hard work, and supplies. This project garnered 493 volunteers for a total of 2008.5 volunteer hours. $19,205.04 was donated to complete clean-up and beautification projects as well as refreshments to keep the volunteers going strong throughout the day. 1698 food, hygiene, cleaning, pet food, medicine, and clothing items were donated. View the final report.



Spring has sprung and the city’s annual volunteer event Cleaning from the Corridor (CFTC) will be in full swing on this gorgeous iconic Spokane Spring day from 9am – 12pm (some events running till 1pm). Here’s a quick guide how to make sure you don’t miss any of the excitement before, during, or after the clean up! Before the Clean up:  Any volunteers who show up that are not registered but want to volunteer anyway, whether you come with friends,…

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Materials for the December 11 EGNC Meeting

Materials for the December 11 EGNC Meeting

It’s been a quiet month here on the blog, but that doesn’t mean that the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council has been any less active. In fact, the EGNC meets this Wednesday, December 11 for its annual holiday potluck at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Center. The meeting will follow at 7pm. If you live, work or own property in Emerson-Garfield, you’re invited to attend. Bring a dish! This meeting has a few items on the agenda, the most pressing being the…

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Neighborhood Planning Meeting Tonight

Neighborhood Planning Meeting Tonight

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Planning Committee is meeting again tonight at the Corbin Senior Activity Center at 7:00pm. Tonight’s meeting will continue organizing for E-G’s upcoming open house workshops, tentatively set for October 10th and November 14th. Topics will include mailer design, venue options, and workshop agenda. The Neighborhood Planning Committee is a group of neighborhood stakeholders interested in giving our neighborhood a voice at the City level, and focusing our efforts towards projects and priorities that reflect solutions to issues…

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Neighborhood Planning Meeting Tonight

Neighborhood Planning Meeting Tonight

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Planning Committee is meeting again tonight at the Corbin Senior Activity Center at 7:00pm. Tonight’s meeting will introduce the planning firm that the committee will be collaborating with in preparation for the neighborhood’s part in the City of Spokane Comprehensive Plan. Two representative’s from Spokane planning firm AHBL will be present to discuss the firm’s scope of work, and begin organizing with the committee for E-G’s upcoming open house workshops. The Neighborhood Planning Committee is a group of neighborhood stakeholders…

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