The Corbin Park Tree Lighting Needs Community Help

The Corbin Park Tree Lighting Needs Community Help

As many of you know, Katie Joy is once again hard at work to organize another Corbin Park Tree Lighting event, which will no doubt be even more dazzling than last year. As she mentioned at the recent council meeting, there is a safety need to install a permanent outlet in the park, and with impending frost, there is a very tight timeline to get this work done. The Urban Forestry department is donating their time and Electric City has been incredibly kind to come out quickly to make a fast bid & will discount their electrical work. Here’s the message from Katie Joy:

Hey neighbors!
We are getting closer to making this tree lighting an annual event but we have hit a bigger financial need than expected & need your support! Our girl Emerald (my daughter’s nickname for the tree), needs a permanent electrical setup to keep things safe.

In order to make the tree lighting happen this year, we need to raise $6,000 in the next 2.5 weeks. Any businesses donating can come promote at the event, in different ways depending upon the tier of their donation-

🩶$50-$200 Silver tier = You will be promoted & thanked on the event page.

💛💛$250-$500 Gold tier = You will be promoted on the event page & be allowed to hand out fliers at the event.

🩶🩶🩶$550-$1,000 Platinum tier = You will be promoted on the event page, be allowed to hand out fliers & publicly thanked at the event.

💚💚💚💚💚$1,050+ EMERALD tier = You will be promoted on the event page, be allowed to hand out fliers, publicly thanked at the event & you will be allowed to have a table at the event.

*Money can be dropped off at Spokane City Credit Union on Monroe and checks should be made out to “North Monroe Business District Tree”. 

Please email once you have made your donation and note the amount. A tax deductible receipt will be sent to you.

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