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Tag: sidewalks

Recap of the October E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the October E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

The October 8 meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council began at its new time of 6pm. Christa Richardson of the Corbin Senior Activity Center started off the meeting by sharing the good news about their Munch and Mingle auction on September 27, which raised $20,000. Of that, $4,000 was directed towards the elevator. The center’s new van arrived as well. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) applications were explained, and attendees were invited to participate in determining how the funding for 2015 will be allocated…

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Recap of the September E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Recap of the September E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

The September 14, 2014 meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council got underway when Marlene Feist, Utilities Communications Manager for the City of Spokane, spoke about the street levy proposal that will be on the November ballot. This levy will complement the parks levy that is also being proposed. Many of the details of the parks levy and the improvements it will bring to Riverfront Park were addressed by Parks and Recreation Director Leroy Eadie during the May meeting of the E-G Neighborhood…

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Materials for the Sept 10 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Materials for the Sept 10 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Following a much-needed break in July and last month’s Summer Potluck in Emerson Park, the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council will resume its monthly meetings at the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland) tomorrow — that is, Wednesday, September 10 — starting at 7pm. Among other things, we’ll be discussing shifting the neighborhood boundaries, Fulcrum‘s plans for renovating a building on N Ash, the status of our Greening Neighborhoods grants, the current crop of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding opportunities, and voting on the proposed MoU between Project Hope Spokane and…

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Madison/Adams Sidewalks, Montgomery Traffic Circles

Madison/Adams Sidewalks, Montgomery Traffic Circles

Designs have now been drafted for the new sidewalks to be installed on Madison and Adams Streets as well as the traffic circles that are planned for Montgomery Ave. They’re provided below for reference. The designs show in detail what’s planned, including curb ramps, signage, landscaping, and stormwater improvements. Residents in the construction areas should already have received notices about the projects and their effects, if any, but please contact us if you still have any comments or concerns. The…

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N. Monroe Traffic Presentation

N. Monroe Traffic Presentation

Below is a YouTube movie of the presentation on N. Monroe given by Bob Turner, Senior Traffic Engineer for the City of Spokane, at February’s Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting. It contains statistics such as average daily vehicle counts and vehicle speed as well as a ten-year retrospective of collisions and pedestrian fatalities. Some of the figures might be surprising, even if they do seem to be at odds with our day-to-day experience on N. Monroe. Toward the end there’s a…

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