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Tag: residents

Infill Development Open House and Survey

Infill Development Open House and Survey

The infill development steering committee will hold a public open house from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, August 30, 2016, in the Chase Gallery of Spokane City Hall, to discuss concepts that have emerged as potential strategies in the infill development project. Click here to view a short presentation of infill development, adopted goals, and conceptual strategies for general discussion. People who do not attend the open house are still encouraged to provide input by submitting comments and/or taking a few…

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Emerson-Garfield Summer Potluck (Aug 10)

Emerson-Garfield Summer Potluck (Aug 10)

Our neighborhood’s annual Summer Potluck is taking place this Wednesday, August 10 starting at 5pm in Emerson Park. An informal meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting will follow at around 6pm. As always, this neighborhood potluck welcomes everyone who lives, works or plays in Emerson-Garfield. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and members of the community in a relaxed, family-friendly environment. Not sure if you live in Emerson-Garfield? Find out here. There will be free hotdogs and hamburgers until our supplies run out. Please also…

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Housing Quality Task Force – Community Meeting

Housing Quality Task Force – Community Meeting

You are invited to be a part of a community conversation about quality and affordable housing in Spokane. The Mayor’s Housing Quality – Community meeting is next Tuesday, June 28th at the Downtown Public Library from 5:30-7PM. Learn more about the Mayor’s Housing Quality Task Force

2016 Corbin Park Yard Sale (June 18)

2016 Corbin Park Yard Sale (June 18)

The annual Corbin Park Yard Sale is running this Saturday, June 18 from 9am to 5pm. All the homes surrounding Corbin Park are able to participate. They typically have plenty for sale: clothes, furniture, kitchen items, books, games, toys and lots more. There will also be various charities with booths selling snacks, baked goods, plus arts & crafts. Show the world you’re attending via the Facebook event.

Call for Volunteers: Weeding Day on Maple

Call for Volunteers: Weeding Day on Maple

It’s been about a year since neighborhood volunteers planted yucca and horizontal juniper bushes on Maple, and now it’s time for some spring cleaning. Join your neighbors to weed and beautify the area to keep it looking great. Meet up at the intersection of Euclid and Maple on Saturday, June 25 at 11 am. Bring your garden gloves and some light weeding tools. Let us know you’re going here!