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Tag: residents

Seeking Citizens to Help Define North Monroe Corridor Project

Seeking Citizens to Help Define North Monroe Corridor Project

In an important announcement, the City of Spokane is seeking property and business owners, area residents, and representatives from the Emerson-Garfield, North Hill, West Central, and Riverside neighborhoods to serve on the advisory board that will work with City staff to inform the public and stakeholders about the project and its elements and to help make choices about the final scope of work. Much of the work will be concentrated over the next year. Applications are being accepted through Wednesday,…

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Celebration of Youth (Mar 4)

Celebration of Youth (Mar 4)

The West Central Community Center (1603 N Belt) is hosting Celebration of Youth: A Community Showcase tomorrow (March 4) starting at 6pm. The Celebration of Youth is a community event and a free dinner showcasing local youth and their talents, skills, and leadership. Performances include music, arts, and spoken word pieces by the Music Innovates Program, The Community School’s Peer Assistance & Leadership Program, Youth for Christ’s Resiliency Project, and the West Central Youth Development Life Skills Program. This year the WCCC is also presenting…

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Photos from the Oct 31 E-G Community Planting

Photos from the Oct 31 E-G Community Planting

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council held a community planting on the morning of October 31 as part of our neighborhood’s successful round of Greening Grants. Its purpose was to remove the thatch and dead brush from the traffic triangles on Northwest Boulevard and to install new native, hardy plants like lilacs and echinacea. Despite gray skies, about fifteen volunteers from Emerson-Garfield and beyond came out and spent their Halloween morning pulling up thick layers of dried grass, raking the debris, loading…

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E-G Community Planting (Oct 31)

E-G Community Planting (Oct 31)

Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council is organizing a community planting as part of our successful round of Greening Grants this Saturday, October 31. The planting will run from 9am to noon, rain or shine, and will beautify the unsightly traffic triangles on Northwest Boulevard. Volunteers will need to meet at Perfection Tire (1021 NW Blvd) at 8:45am. We’re looking for folks of all ages and abilities to help us prepare the area for planting and then put in phlox, yucca, echinacea, and…

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Materials for the Oct 14 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

Materials for the Oct 14 E-G Neighborhood Council Meeting

It’s an action-packed agenda at this month’s meeting of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council, which happens tomorrow (Wednesday, October 14) starting at 6pm in the Corbin Senior Activity Center Center (827 W Cleveland). There’s an update from Community Frameworks on the West 315 revitalization at the corner of Washington and Mission. In other development news, one resident will be speaking to her concerns over a proposed 24-cottage facility by the Transitional Living Center. We’ll also be continuing the conversation on neighborhood crime that we began…

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