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Tag: public event

Open House Tonight on Changes Downtown

Open House Tonight on Changes Downtown

The City of Spokane is inviting citizens to an open house this evening (Monday, August 19) to learn about changes planned for Post Street near City Hall and related projects that are expected to transform that area in west downtown along the Spokane River. The open house will be held in the Chase Gallery in the lower level of City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd [map] from 4:30 to 6pm. Staff also will brief the City Council on the projects…

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Photos from the Aug 14 Potluck

Photos from the Aug 14 Potluck

Jay Cousins snapped some photos of the annual neighborhood picnic and potluck that took place on Wednesday, August 14. There was a great turnout — so great, in fact, that the free hot dogs and burgers ran out before we could blink. An informal Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting took place following the food. Some of the highlights of that included: As a result of our requests, two traffic circles (aka roundabouts) are being installed on W Montgomery between Monroe and…

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Neighborhood-wide Picnic & Potluck Tomorrow, Aug 14

Neighborhood-wide Picnic & Potluck Tomorrow, Aug 14

The Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council is holding its annual Summer Picnic & Potluck in Corbin Park tomorrow (Wednesday, August 14) starting at 6pm. Just to be clear: You don’t have to be involved in any way with the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council to attend. This is open to everyone who lives, works, and plays in Emerson-Garfield. It’s a chance for everyone who’s even loosely associated with the neighborhood to come together and get to know one another. There will be free hot…

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COPS Night Out Against Crime, Aug 6

COPS Night Out Against Crime, Aug 6

Spokane C.O.P.S. is sponsoring a Night Out Against Crime 2013 on Tuesday, August 6. They’re asking participants to “give crime a going-away party” in honor of the 30th annual National Night Out Against Crime. Participants can schedule a barbecue, potluck, or any kind of get-together. The National Night Out (NNO) has become a way for people all across the United States to show their unity in the face of crime. In the past, NNOs have resulted in the formation of…

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Farmers’ Market Is Still on Today (Aug 2)

Farmers’ Market Is Still on Today (Aug 2)

Yes, the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market IS STILL ON today. Rain or shine, we’ll be in the parking lot of Knox Presbyterian Church (806 W Knox) [map] from 3-7pm. Don’t let a little drizzle keep you from fresh fruit, veg, seafood, meat, honey, food trucks, and more!