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Tag: North Monroe Revitalization

N. Monroe Traffic Presentation

N. Monroe Traffic Presentation

Below is a YouTube movie of the presentation on N. Monroe given by Bob Turner, Senior Traffic Engineer for the City of Spokane, at February’s Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting. It contains statistics such as average daily vehicle counts and vehicle speed as well as a ten-year retrospective of collisions and pedestrian fatalities. Some of the figures might be surprising, even if they do seem to be at odds with our day-to-day experience on N. Monroe. Toward the end there’s a…

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Materials for the February 12 EGNC Meeting

Materials for the February 12 EGNC Meeting

We know the snow is knee deep in places, but there are 101 (count ’em) reasons to brave the winter weather and make it to the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council meeting on Wednesday, February 12. It starts promptly at 7pm in the Corbin Senior Center (827 W Cleveland). At this meeting the EGNC will be taking sidewalk and traffic-calming requests. This means that if you have sidewalk that is missing or in need of repair outside your home, business, church or other property,…

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October Neighborhood Planning Workshop Recap

October Neighborhood Planning Workshop Recap

On behalf of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Planning committee, we’d like to give a big shout out to everyone who participated in last night’s important workshop! We had a very spirited crowd of about 50 neighbors and a few business owners, who came together to contribute their unique perspective to creating the vision for our neighborhood and what issues need our attention to attain that vision! It was an incredibly valuable and inspiring evening, and we hope even more neighbors will plan…

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Andrew Worlock on N. Monroe Revitalization

Andrew Worlock on N. Monroe Revitalization

Andrew Worlock, an Associate Planner in the City of Spokane’s Planning and Development Services Department who also heads the West Quadrant Tax Increment Finance District and the WQTIF Neighborhood Project Advisory Committee, was invited to speak at this month’s neighborhood council meeting and give an update on the revitalization of North Monroe — which, after several years of ambitious talk, has well and truly fizzled. Andrew will be ultimately unable to make the meeting and no representative is able (or,…

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Neighborhood Planning Meeting, April 4

Neighborhood Planning Meeting, April 4

Just a reminder to all those involved or interested that the next neighborhood planning meeting will take place tomorrow, April 4 at 6pm in the upper north room of the Corbin Center. At the March meeting, there was some discussion of what exactly planning is. Some participants said that they understand that planning for our neighborhood is important, but that they don’t have enough knowledge to be able to participate in the ways that they believe are important. Therefore that…

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