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Tag: nonprofit

March Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

March Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

[Ed. note: This is a condensed version of the official minutes, which are available for download here.] The March Edition of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council came in like a lion at a couple of minutes after 7pm on March 13. Chair Liorah Wichser started the meeting with a vote for a new logo for the Neighborhood Council. Three submissions had been submitted by three submittees, all of whom were present. A silent vote was taken and the winning logo was…

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February Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

February Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

[What follows is a recap of the Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council Meeting that took place on Wednesday, February 13. You can either read slimmed and streamlined version of the minutes below, or download the full version of the meeting’s minutes here.] The meeting began with a presentation from Judge Tracy Staab of the Spokane Municipal Court. The judge gave a Powerpoint slideshow that detailed the many facets of the Court, such as crime statistics, budgets, and punishment or rehabilitation methods. The slideshow was supposed to…

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Emerson-Garfield in the News

Emerson-Garfield in the News

Emerson-Garfield Neighborhood Council’s budding efforts to become a non-profit organization were covered in a Spokesman-Review story today by Pia Hallenberg. Read it here.

Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

Neighborhood Council Meeting Recap

The EGNC met on November 15 to decide who will receive CD funding recommendations and how our own neighborhood capital funds will be allotted.

Community Development Block Grant Info

Community Development Block Grant Info

Last night we tried something new and live-tweeted the public hearing on Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for 2013. The hearing was arranged by the newly amalgamated Community, Housing and Human Services megadepartment in the city bureaucracy, and its aim was to address changes to both the amount of available funds and the application process. This was our first live-tweet attempt, so we overlooked some of the etiquette (a #CDBG2013 hashtag, for instance), but we hope we nevertheless managed to…

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